New Fanfic!
- Daria/Dorian Ch. 15: Summertime Blues, by LadieT (part 5): "'No. I know we really aren't the best examples of sisters there are out there, but you seem easier to talk to and get along with than Penny and Wind. I mean, I still see a lot of hostility in you -but then again I deserve it,' Summer sighed. 'Well, considering the rest of you disappeared out of my life before I hit middle school, I can't say that my level of fondness for any of you other than Trent is very high.'"
- Daria is Raven's Apprentice, by project pegasus: "Daria: OK. OK. Just give me a minute to get it together. Raven: The fire and the snipers won't give you another minute. (Raven tries to pull Daria toward the zip line, but Daria has wrapped her arms around the radiator.) Daria: There's always a radiator when you need one."
- Daria's Big Hit! (Scenes no Daria fanfic should have: It's Friday!!), by DIsaac (part 1): "'I remember when I had to wait for a video to come on. Thank you, Technology....too bad videos these day suck on a epic level. I could write something better then this........ All pop music is lyrics over a really good beat.' The wheels in Daria's mind started turning while saying this then she came up with a strange idea."
- Down Hill Spiral (Long Story Challenge #4, Round 2), by OverlordMikey (part 2): "I was crying on the front porch when Curt showed up. I imagine my eyes where beat red; it was our first break up, but it would be a sign of things to come. 'Monique, what happened?' 'Trent and I broke up.' For a brief moment I though Curt smiled, but that was quickly replaced by a look that seemed to be a mix of guilt and sympathy. 'It'll be okay, tell me about it.'"
- First Day on the Job, by Hyrin (parts 1 and 2): "'DeMartino. Dr. Anthony DeMartino. You can call me Tony.' He held out his hand and gave Tim a firm handshake. 'Since it's your first day, I'll give you the grand tour of Wing 513 here at Cedars of Lawndale.'" (Part 2)
- Five Minutes to Midnight, by untra (parts 9 - 11): "'He doesn't know what it means. He's got the whole speech memorized. Just enjoy his calm soothing voice.' The girl behind me whispered this into my ear. The hair on the back of my neck stood up, and I couldn't help but lock up in fear. Who was she? What do I say? Why couldn't she just have left me alone?" (Part 10) (Part 11)
- Homeless Daria Episode 3: A College Try Gives Me Blisters, by RX-87 (parts 1 - 4): "'Actually, I was thinking about stopping by the center, today, anyway. I really gotta hit the showers. Somebody just reminded me that it's kind of been a while.' Jane paused for effect. 'Well, actually what they said was "You stink!" I guess it's a little ambiguous as to whether they were commenting on my personal hygiene or my musical talent.' 'Of course, it could just as easily have been both.' Daria helpfully suggested." (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4)
- The House of Cards, by Doggieboy (part 6): "'I'm prepared to go at anytime,' she said. There was another few moments of silence. 'Perhaps, given that you're now going into your third trimester, you should stay home and leave this to me.' 'No! This concerns the man I love, Dr. Ryan. I don't care if I'm about to go into labor. I will be there when we catch up with him.'"
- Mixed Game (Long Story Challenge #5 Round 1), by LSauchelli (part 1): "The rang bell and Daria started walking faster. 'No time to talk now, you know how Barch gets.' 'Who?' Asked Jane. But Daria didn't hear her when she entered the science classroom she blinked several times at the sight of a completely different classroom than the one she remembered. She looked back at Jane, raising an eyebrow and silently asking her what was going on. 'What?' was the only thing that came out of Jane's lips. She looked more confused with Daria's reaction than anything else."
- No Power in the Verse Can Stop Them, by Hyrin (part 4): "Suddenly, the ship lurched hard to the side and all 3 fell to the floor. Daria was the first back on her feet and ran for the bridge immediately. 'Tell me the hull isn't punctured,' she said as she ran up the stairs, but Andrea didn't answer. Daria saw a large welt on the back of the unconscious woman's head just before a blinding pain hit her from behind and the world went dark."
- Not So Different 56: Double Or Quits, by J-D (COMPLETE!): "There's a limit to the speed a person on crutches can attain. Sonny mentally plotted Sandi's trajectory to her target exit and timed himself to arrive at it smoothly an instant ahead of her. He pushed open the door and went through it, then lingered on the other side to hold it open for her. Then he closed it carefully behind her. She looked at him, her eyes wide with confusion, and then said, 'Thank you, uh ... thank you ...'"
- Not So Different 57: Second Wind, by J-D (COMPLETE!): "'So', Jane said, 'who was Amelia?' 'She followed me around constantly at camp, for no good reason.' Jane tilted her head to look at him sideways. 'And she wasn't deterred by the chanting? Did you ever consider the possibility that she had a crush on you?' 'No, I did not', Sonny said, again without modulation. 'I did not ever consider the possibility that she had a crush on me.'"
- Points Of Divergence (Scenes no Daria fanfic should have: It's Friday!!), by RX-87 (COMPLETE!): "It was a typically inclement Pyongyang day in 2006 and an aide was reading to the President For Life, Guardian Deity Of Earth, etc., etc., from a list of items compiled by the nation's intelligence services (such as they were, anyway) pertaining to Communism-related activities in America. The dictator believed it may yet be possible to find enough supporters within the country to help them destroy their hated enemy from within."
- Questions Asked Questions Answered & Pizza w/ Jane Ch 5, by Lord Yellowtail (part 1): "Daria stepped inside and immediately tensed, every muscle in her body coiling in anticipation of fight or flight even as she scolded herself for assuming she was safe. Every light in the house was dark, and she could see no-one, but all her instincts screamed warning. Someone's here."
- Save the Last Trance for Me, by jtranser: "'...While we're at it, let's get away from the stereotypes the popular press has inflicted on trance research. To my certain knowledge, no one teaching in this field has ever reported a trance populated with wool suited reptiles with monocles quoting Sartre in unison while dancing the Macarena....'"
- The True Hollywood Story of Daria Morgendorffer, by DIsaac (part 8): "Narrator: Mike was professional as they comes but he had a secret to playing Mack. Mack: I smoke a lot of weed!"
- Unnamed story (Scenes no Daria fanfic should have: It's Friday!!), by Smijey (COMPLETE!): "Amelia seized the microphone back into her possession again, a possessed look on her face. 'I don't want to be a part of your team, Skip. And I don't think anyone here really does.' She pulled off her Camp Grizzly T-shirt, not noticing that the crowd suddenly got a lot more quiet. 'So here's your Grizzly T-shirt back!'"

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