In my opinion, not enough has been done with Bobby's character. Was Quinn right or was he truly dangerous? Could he have tried this stunt with other girls in Lawndale, or out-of-town visitors? Will his computer hacking skills one day allow him to rise up as leader of the whole world, ruling with an iron fist and those cute little plastic sandals you get in the spa that massage your feet when you walk?
Could be worth a thought, anyway.
Fanfic Update!
- 12-Step Lawyers (Iron Chef: Eric's an okay guy?), by HolyGrail2007 (COMPLETE!): "She found something very interesting in the top drawer of his desk, the one he said he never used "because the damn drawer kept sticking." A bit of force, and a nail file, took care of that pretty easily, but just before she had opened it, she noticed many scratch marks on the otherwise pristine wooden desk just above that stuck drawer. Eric may not have used a nail file, but he certainly opened and re-opened that stuck drawer a number of times."
- Apocalyptic Daria: Scarlett's Tale, by Doggieboy (part 19): "Scarlett gasped as her face paled and Roger looked at her. 'What?' he asked. 'Someone's outside the door,' she said. 'I hear them,' he said. 'They're just going by, that's all.' 'No!' The teen's protest startled him into silence. 'They're going to try and force us to open the door!'"
- Daria is Raven's Apprentice, by project pegasus: "Raven: I know what you're trying to do, Starfire, but you have to consider the differences between you and me. I am half demon; you aren't. Maybe someone in Hell did possess my body. I'm sure there is a spell for that, though the caster would have to be extremely powerful to both cast the spell and leave my memory spotless."
- Dark Future: Road Worrier, by Charles RB (part 3): "Todd and Cobb would lead from the front when there was money involved (and so Todd could have the fun of bumping her off), so that was both gangs decapitated and soon to be in disarray and fighting each other. By the time either came looking for vengeance, she'd be out of their reach. 'Daria, I...' Her mother had wanted to morally object all day, as soon as they had the money. 'This was a really vicious and amoral plan-' 'Well, yeah, I wanted a plan that would work.'"
- God Save The Esteem 33: A Headbutt of Dollars, by Charles RB (part 1): "The time was reached; eyes locked, Daria went for her metaphorical guns. The literal enemy, the dreaded parking space between two other cars, struck back with its crampedness, but she struck first. She parallel parked the shit out of it."
- It's True Love (Iron Chef: The Prank Proposal), by OverlordMikey (COMPLETE!): "As the two left the theater and where greeted by Jane snickering although she quickly stopped when she saw them.. Daria watched as Tom excitingly told Jane who was barely keeping a straight face."
- Quinn's Code 03: Cafe Geekdale, by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (part 6): "At lunch; Stacy crept along the corridors. She found her destination. The room where the Anime Club usually met after school. She looked around to ensure that no one in the Fashion Club, or any other popular clique was nearby. She saw no one (or any security cameras), so she opened the door and slipped inside."
- The Planning of a Prank (Iron Chef: The Prank Proposal), by DIsaac (COMPLETE!): "TOM: I can't figure out why they want us at the game tonight. SANDI: I'll take the free tickets any day, TOM: From Dani? SANDI: You are right about that one. PA ANNOUNCER: We have very special message on the scoreboard."
- Raft College: The First Year, by rglovejoy (part 48): "'I'm still having a hard time wrapping my head around it all, Daria.' Jane's veneer of worldliness was gone, now her bright blue eyes were wide open and betrayed excitement. 'Look at me, I'm still gushing. Jeezus, I could kick myself for applying late to BFAC. I could be doing all this really cool stuff with you instead of waiting on tables.'"
- Reasons (Iron Chef: Defenestration!), by untra (COMPLETE!): "These were the last thoughts to go through Kevin Thompson's head before he shot through the windshield of his dad's Porsche:"
- Save the Last Trance for Me, by jtranser: "'O.K., But Amelia?! last time I saw her, she was certainly able to see.' 'She went blind the night you became a Sōzōshin.' 'You mean... Wait a minute. She's not just a Lucid Dreamrunner?' 'Definitely a prophet. With classic Tiresias Effect, as well. She now sees with her mind, not with her eyes. And she knows You're responsible. Plus, she's already changed sex three times.'" (New part)
- Settling Into A New Life, by RLobinske (part 2): "Holiday travel is rarely fun and as Daria and Michael learned, travel to popular destination states can make things even more of a challenge. The overnight flights were long, crowded and the layover boring. Sleep was poor and fitful, providing little rest. But finally, it was morning and they had arrived at Jacksonville International Airport."
- The True Hollywood Story of Daria Morgendorffer, by DIsaac (part 9): "Mack: I studied that tape and I know who leaked it. Producer (to Mack): You studied it? Mack: I'm a certified pornologist. I have hours of studies under my belt. I know for a fact it was Stacy that leaked it because she wanted more lines. Plus out of the four she was the one you want to do it with."
- Unnamed story (Iron Chef: Defenestration!), by JPAGC (COMPLETE!): "As he tried to fight the terror of being in a free fall mixed with the pain caused by having gone through a very solid hard and sharp window glass, Charles Ruttheimer III wondered...."
- Unnamed story (Iron Chef: Mr. O'Neil gets fired), by Roentgen: "The new instructor stepped forward. He actually looked like a normal person. He was dressed well, and good looking, and clearly at ease in a classroom. 'Hi, everyone. I'm going to be taking over for your former instructor. Now, I know that there was assigned reading that he had planned for you, but I'm going to tell you - throw it out! We're going to start all over!'" (Part 2)
- Unnamed story (Scenes no Daria fanfic should have: Last Friday Night!), by Greystar (COMPLETE!): "'Oh Upchuck! You're my hero! I must reward you in the ways that only a woman can! C'mere, Stud-mufin!'"
- Unnamed story (Scenes no Daria fanfic should have: Last Friday Night!), by Silver (COMPLETE!): "'Oh, no...' she muttered to herself. 'Welcome back,' came the familiar voice from the terminal ahead of her. 'He didn't.'"

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