New Fanfic!
- Crossing Stars, by Silver: "'But some of the non-essentials...well, the light over my console still flickers, the plumbing's still dodgy, don't ask what line got hooked into Mack and Jodie's shower. Got that routed correctly now...' Jane managed a rather sheepish grin at Daria's half-shocked, half-exasperated expression. 'So, is the reactor going to shut down when we jump?' Daria said after a long moment. 'No, but if we start pushing more than 25% lightspeed the toliet in the head outside the engine room floods.'"
- Green Dragon Rising, by Grifter74: "Goldar approached Rita cautiously, stopping where he knew she hear him, before speaking. 'Your Majesty, I have concerns about this human you have chosen.'"
- Homeless Daria Episode 3: A College Try Gives Me Blisters, by RX-87 (part 13): "'DARIA!' Daria looked up in utter elation to see Jane waving at her from a second story window. She looked like a drowned cat, disheveled and soaked with water, but alive. It took Daria a moment to realize she was smiling. Not a sly little Mona Lisa smirk, an enormous, joyful smile showing off her miraculously still pearly white teeth."
- Lawndale and Sandi Griffin’s Genie (Chapter 5), by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (part 2): "'We are approaching the spot,' Elias said. 'I don’t see anyone,' Quinn said. 'Neither do I,' Elias said. 'Clearly it’s some kind of hoax!' Dennis said. Elias looked at Dennis. He knew that Dennis had been involved with hoaxes of a similar nature."
- Mad Dog's Legacy Chapter 10: Rock On, by Hyrin (parts 2 and 3): "'You want to spend three hours in that broken husk of a van because your brother’s cute guitar player is coming?' 'Daria! I didn’t know you thought Jesse was cute! But what about Mack?' Jane teased, dancing around Daria’s futile attempts to hit her with her backpack" (Part 3)
- The Night It Ended, by thatLONERchick (COMPLETE!): "'I'm sorry, Stacy,' Sandi muttered, hair hanging around her face as her head dropped forward. 'If you didn't have to take care of me--' 'I don't have to do anything, Sandi,' Stacy interjected sternly. She moved around the table and knelt beside the chair, folding Sandi's hands into her own. 'I want to. You're my friend.'"
- Rude Awakening Ep. 7: Don't Sign Me Up!, by DIsaac (part 7): "KEVIN: Uh Un, You want ME to do this. Me - Kevin Thompson to talk for BOTH of us! DARIA: Exactly. KEVIN: Daria, New plan. DARIA: No new plan! No new plan! KEVIN: I'm calling an audible!"
- Settling Into A New Life, by RLobinske (part 1): "Daria Morgendorffer said to her mother, "It looks like Quinn created the event of the season like we always expected her to do.' Beaming with pride, Helen said, 'She certainly did.' Rita Barksdale said, 'Quinn's beautiful. Everything is beautiful.' Grinning himself, Jake said, 'And it didn't cost a fortune.'"
- Unnamed story (Crossovers Still Crossing Over), by Greystar (COMPLETE!): "'Aquarius, Huston,' the radio crackled. 'Are we on VOX?' Quinn bellowed at Sandi. 'No, we are not on VOX!' Sandi roared back."
- Unnamed story (Iron Chef: Defenestration!), by Derek (COMPLETE!): "'So Mack-daddy, why am I handcuffed to this stretcher again?'"
- Unnamed story (Iron Chef: Eric’s an okay guy?), by Hyrin (COMPLETE!): "Eric sat at his desk and sighed. A glance at the clock showed him that it was almost 3AM, but he was still there. Suppressing a shudder at the thought of going back to an empty home, he looked around his office. He scoffed as his eyes fell upon the picture of the dog -it had come with the frame- and forced himself not to look at the picture hidden behind it. In his mind, he could see the image perfectly, and his lip quivered as he thought of the beautiful woman and baby who were behind the dog."
- Unnamed story (Iron Chef: Guilty Pleasures Redux), by RX-87 (COMPLETE!): "'Don't- ah, whatever. Ok, now I told Jodie we were gonna go over plays for Friday's game. If anybody asks, make sure you remember, got it?' 'Got it.' 'Ok, you ready to do this?' 'Sure am!'"
- Unnamed story (Iron Chef: Guilty Pleasures Redux), by Wormbait (COMPLETE!): "Closing the door behind herself Helen stood quietly and listened for a minute. Hearing nothing she made a quick curcuit of the ground floor to double check that she was alone before heading up the stairs."
- Unnamed story (Scenes no Daria fanfic should have: Last Friday Night!), by Charles RB (COMPLETE!): "'I just want to know one thing from you, Judith,' growled Reiko."

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