Brittany seems pretty into the holiday, although that might have something to do with that lonely exchange student to whom she gave an American goodbye. Come to think of it, could the exchange student have actually been Bastille Day, visiting from Holiday Island? Or do I just need to get more sleep?
Ah, well. Whatever you do, don't get too close to Brittany while she's holding that sword!
David and Quinn share their thoughts on Bastille Day in Is It Fall Yet?:
David: But when the workers stormed the Bastille, they only found seven prisoners, and one of them was the Marquis de Sade.
Quinn: Eww.
David: That's more or less the way they felt.
New Fanfic!
- 86 Bottles of Beer: I Spy, with My Extra Eye, by Kristen Bealer (part 1): "'Chief?' Kevin asked as he entered the office of the Chief of CONTROL. 'People usually have two eyes, right?' The Chief sighed. 'This again? Look, we've been over this. We even came up with that little song to help you remember. It goes, "I've got two eyes, I've got one nose, I've got two ears, I've got ten toes—"' '—The song's great and all, Chief, but this morning I saw this chick with three eyes! Is there a song about that?'"
- Betrayal! in E Minor (Iron Chef! The Musical), by TheExcellentS (COMPLETE!): "Daria: 'I kissed your boyfriend, and I really regret it...' Jane: 'You kissed my boyfriend... how do I forget it?'"
- Calm Upon The Brow, Storm Behind The Glasses (Iron Chef - Going Ranger), by Brother Grimace (part 1): "Damnit, Daria, do you have to make everything a competition? the cute redhead snorted inwardly. They were right to see your element is water - always so calm up on top, but God, the things that come up from the depths of your mind... not to mention that you're so cold to almost everyone, and that you can turn deadly in a heartbeat..."
- Daria is Raven's Apprentice, by project pegasus: "Raven: No. I know what you're going to suggest, and I don't want to go there. Starfire: But they have been with us since the beginning. Perhaps they have noticed something that has failed to catch our attention."
- Daria, or the Confession of a Single Lonely Male, by Arena del Sur: "Oh, do not scowl at me, reader, I do not intend to convey the impression that I did not manage to be happy. Reader must understand that, lord and master of a wolphet, the traveler think of stand, as it were, beyond happiness. For there is no other bliss on earth comparable to that drift in the company of a wolphet."
- First impressions (Iron Chef - A competent Dr. Manson), by JPAGC (COMPLETE!): "“Please, Daria, take a seat”, said Manson after closing the door. She went round the desk and sat in a stuffed chair while Daria let her bag drop to the ground and took place in one of the two chairs in front of the desk. 'So...' the psy started. 'So...?' answered Daria after a few seconds, her face closed."
- Homeless Daria Episode 3: A College Try Gives Me Blisters, by RX-87 (part 11): "Daria turned to see her friend, clad in an indigo sports bra and sky blue cotton panties, peeling off her leggings to reveal pale, toned legs decorated with more homemade tattoos and caught herself staring at them, feeling embarrassed at herself. 'Those are nice.' Daria said, then added hastily, 'Uh. The tattoos, I mean. You drew them yourself, right?'"
- Not So Different 65: Is There A Home Plate?, by J-D (COMPLETE!): "That was odd. What was he doing asleep at 4:07? Or rather, now that his mind started to focus, what was he doing waking up at 4:07? Unless it was 4:07am ... but in that case, when had he gone to bed? Simple: he hadn't formally gone to bed, he had just fallen asleep while on Sonny's bed, and now it was four-oh-se-oops."
- Not So Different 66: 'When The Bummers Bum ...', by J-D (COMPLETE!): "Sonny's face returned to its usual deadpan for a moment, and then another odd expression came over it as he asked Helen whether they'd had a refrigerator box, like the one in the yard, when he'd been younger. He said he remembered spending a lot of time playing in one. 'Oh, I doubt that, Sonny', she said. 'I don't remember you doing much playing at all.' When she saw the look on his face she thought, And I was doing so well!"
- Quinn's Code 03: Cafe Geekdale, by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (part 5): "Ms. Li entered her office and immediately the phone began to ring. 'Who could this be, that can barely wait to call Lawndale High?' she asked. She picked up the phone. She was immediately blasted by some ranting. 'Calm down, and repeat what you just said!'"
- Save the Last Trance for Me, by jtranser: "Jane rolled down the window as their cloud pulled up to the drive up speaker, turned to her friend and asked: 'So, Daria, how do You want your first burnt offering and what kind?' 'Extra well done. And make it graphite. Pennsylvania graphite.' 'And gravy?' 'On the side.' 'Potato?' 'Baked. With nectar, ambrosia and sour cream. No chives.'"
- Screams of Silence, by Jim North: "Oh God. Oh shit. I remember. And yet even as the memories begin to flood back into me like an acidic wash, somehow burning and freezing me at the same time, I don't stop the movie. I watch in horrid fascination as the events unfold, unable to reach out and silence the set, unable to quiet the player. I have to see. I have to hear. I have to keep remembering."
- Trial (Iron Chef: Trial of the Century), by GlitterShrooms (COMPLETE!): "Lights. Flashing lights everywhere. 'Whores! Murderers! Give them the chair! The Chair!!'"
- Unnamed story (Iron Chef - Jodie the Inventor), by Chris Tucker (part 8): "'Lane, what's the latest on that high temperature alloy you was workin' on? That last batch of steel barely lasted 30 minutes afore the whizbang blew up an knocked me on my ass. Aw, hell, grab a sandwich and git up here. Ya can tell me all about it over lunch. You bring the beer, and a Coke fer Josephine while yer at it. See ya.' Miss Landon had walked over to the blackboard and was talking to herself. '... ceramics. Ceramic coatings for the vanes and... yes, there's the problem! The pulse disrupts the airflow. Buffer it... yes!'"
- The Verdict (Iron Chef: Trial of the Century), by Hyrin (COMPLETE!): "The media was swarming the courthouse, fighting for space amongst the assembled crowd. Many signs were in evidence, most demanding death but some defending the accused. Inside the courthouse, insulated from storm of public opinion, the judge sifted through the notes he had before him and sighed before calling the court to order."
- Zombie Cards...or, A New Weapon, by Doggieboy (part 2): "'John - Mr. Hobbs - he's healed!' That was the one comment that Tan didn't expect and she gawked at Scarlett. 'Say what?' she asked. 'How is that even possible? All zombie bite wounds are fatal! That's what the news channels have been saying since day two!' Scarlett swallowed and shook her head again. 'I don't know how it happened,' she said. 'It just did.'"

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