Fanfic Update!
- 86 Bottles of Beer: I Spy, with My Extra Eye, by Kristen Bealer (COMPLETE!): "'Are you sure this is the place?' Stacy asked doubtfully as they stood outside a nondescript office building. 'Well, it's not like they write "SECRET KAOS LAIR" in big letters on the front of all their locations, do they?' 99 replied. 'Hey, you think we could talk them into doing that?' Kevin asked. 'Because that would be really helpful.'"
- Alternatepalooza, by thatLONERchick (COMPLETE!): "Talk soon turned to the festival and after a bit of hemming and hawing, it was decided that Daria and Jane would accompany the men on the condition they provided gas money. With a last tongue-in-cheek remark tossed over her shoulder, Daria followed Jane up the stairs and out of the house. Trent only noticed his jaw had been clenched shut when the door closed behind her."
- Anithing Is Possible (Iron Chef: Biological Parents), by Born Yesterday: "It was all here in a sack of papers. The real her hat she uess her parens had just negleced to mention. A young red haired girl around 15 holding a new born as she sat in he hospital bed. A melancholy look in her green eyes."
- Another Lawndale's Episode, by Silver (part 3): "'Okay,' Daria said, gasping for air. 'We're going where?' 'This way!' C.C. said, bolting down what had to be the third or fourth side street. Daria would've groaned if she'd been able to spare the air."
- Bloodlines (Iron Chef: Biological Parents), by Hyrin (COMPLETE!): "The paper was laying on the bed, but Quinn seemed almost afraid to approach it. Daria took a deep breath and picked it up, scanning it as she said, 'What’s got you so...Oh.' She stared at the paper for a long time, then walked over to Quinn and gave her an uncharacteristically sincere hug."
- Cat Door from the Stars (Crossovers Still Crossing Over), by gwrtheyrn (COMPLETE!): "I mention her talk about angles because it suggests something DeWitt-Clinton had told me of his awful dreams. He said that the geometry of the dream-place he saw was abnormal, non-Euclidean, and loathsomely redolent of spheres and dimensions apart from ours. Now an unlettered military woman felt the same thing, whilst gazing at the terrible reality."
- Daria/Dorian Ch. 15: Summertime Blues, by LadieT (part 6): "One night Dorian was sitting in the living room watching television when Quinn came running into the house upset and went straight into her room. Should we go find out what happened? Yeah, she seemed really upset. Dorian walked up the stairs and could hear Quinn crying through her door."
- Daria is Raven's Apprentice, by project pegasus: "Raven: How dare you accuse Starfire! Starfire: But Friend Raven, didn't you say that we had to consider every possibility?" (New part)
- Daria Loves Cock!, by Chris Tucker (COMPLETE!): "The craving hit Daria after her second class of the day at Lawndale High." (It's SFW. I promise.)
- Daria, or the Confession of a Single Lonely Male, by Arena del Sur: "I am now faced with the distasteful task of recording the very moment in which our paths began to separate. If her share in the ardors she kindled had been nonexistent, a little fire of hope still was burning in my heart. But I was blind and fool, my school-girl wolphet had me at her mercy. With the human element dwindling, the closeness, the chance, and the torture only increased; and Daria took advantage of this."
- Dark Future: Road Worrier, by Charles RB (part 2): "'Girls, I've had a job offer in Maryland.' Helen took a deep breath. 'In the Lawndale Policed Zone.' Quinn squealed like she'd heard school had been napalmed again. 'How?' asked Daria and Jake simultaneously, and that bothered Daria because her father should've known surely?"
- First Impressions, by JPAGC (part 2): "'What about Daria?' Quinn’s smile disappearance now took a few more seconds that it had in earlier occasions. Eventually her face registered a carefully pleasant and neutral expression, with a smile a fraction of what had been. 'Daria?' 'Yes, your sister Daria.' Beat. 'How do you two get along?' Quinn pressed her lips together for a moment. 'Alright, I guess.' Her body was now completely still, in stark contrast to what had been just some moments before."
- God Save the Esteem Episode 29: Daria's High Score Rejected Scene #27 (Scenes That Should Be: Breakfast of Zombie Champions), by Charles RB (COMPLETE!): "Daria narrowed her eyes and in loud, flat tones, sang out: 'If you've had sex in the last thirty minutes then you know you wanna sing with me!' Stacy leapt to her feet, quickly donning her Geek Stacy glasses: 'I just had see-eee-eeex -'"
- God Save the Esteem 32: Nuts to Work, by Charles RB (COMPLETE!): "Unable to see a sensible solution, Daria decided to give her sister a stupid one to see what would happen. 'Hazmat suit.' 'Suit?!' 'Let me rephrase that.'"
- It’s the Local Fetish? (Iron Chef: The Bet), by OverlordMikey (COMPLETE!): "'So you lost bet with your sister.' Tom said well having difficultly looking her in the eye. Daria just nodded. 'I thought she would just give me a makeover.' Daria sighed. 'This is by far the most embarrassing moment of my life..'"
- The James Lane Chronicles Chapter 6, by InvisibleDan (part 6): "James smiled and said, 'Wow. You're my hero, Daria.' The corner of her mouth started to creep up but then Daria said, 'I'm not a hero. I don't know how I did it, going into the water and pulling Kevin out. It's almost like that Orwell essay where he shot an elephant. He didn't want to do it, but because there were so many people watching it's like he didn't have a choice...'"
- Man of the House, by Smijey: "'Look, if you're worried about the age thing, sixteen is legal in this state, and I'm seventeen, and --' 'Why?' I think my question caught her off guard. 'Why?' she echoed."
- Rude Awakening Ep. 7: Don't Sign Me Up!, by DIsaac (part 6): "JODIE: I'm afraid to ask this. How did you, Ted DeWitt-Clinton get banned from the library? TED: Oh that's easy. Ted DeWitt-Clinton don't take no crap from the man."
- Save the Last Trance for Me, by jtranser: "'Uh oh, do I know this person who's going to spread My Word? And Jane, why did you cue all that ominous background music?' Jane gave Daria a bemused smirk: 'Seemed appropriate. And yes, yes, You do. Do you remember Your camp reunion?' 'Oh no. No. You don't mean...' 'She who worships at Your shrine, the one known as Amelia...' 'Oh no!'"
- Secret History, by LadieT (COMPLETE!): "'I really wish you would let everyone see the real you,' he whispered. 'I can't - I have an image to maintain,' she sighed. 'Surely it couldn't hurt your image too badly if you answered just one question correctly in class,' He said as he began kissing her jawline."
- Silent Melody, by Silver (part 4): "Daria tuned out the conversation. Yes, she was a suspect. And she was a suspect because she was a nova. Life was funny that way. She sat up and spared a look out the window. The sun hadn't quite set, but she preferred the solitude of her room to dealing with the constant gripes and whines of her father and sister, or the heated questioning of her mother. On the other hand, she was missing the arguement between her mother and her new principal. Oh, well- win some, lose some."
- Stained Glass Shade (Iron Chef: Biological Parents), by RX-87 (COMPLETE!): "Most women he met in show business were so terribly high strung, but Hana was as laid back as they come, with a calm, soothing voice and a carefree demeanor that made him feel at ease with her no matter what happened. He had a great deal of respect for the girl. Despite the fact that he was an established name in the industry and she was still struggling, she never once asked him for any kind of help with her career. She wanted to do everything herself. What ever happened to her?"
- Stolen at Birth (Iron Chef: Biological Parents), by Grifter74 (COMPLETE!): "'Your Sandi? But I'm Sandi.' Sandi said confused. 'As if. My Sandi died just after birth, and I got one of the doctors to switch her with another. Some family had twins, so I took one of them. I should have known better than to try turning a sow's ear into a pearl.'"
- True Cynicism (Scenes That Should Be: Breakfast of Zombie Champions), by Greystar (COMPLETE!): "'Hey,' Jane said in a shaky trying not to be frightened voice. 'What do you want?' The redneck in question asked derisively. 'I'll-' Jane swallowed as her voice broke. 'I'll let you do what ever you want to to me for fifty bucks.'"
- Unnamed story (Iron Chef: Biological Parents), by Hyrin (COMPLETE!): "'Girls, I need to talk to you.' Daria and Quinn had just finished breakfast and were about to leave when Jake said this. Sighing, they both sat down."
- Unnamed story (Iron Chef: Biological Parents), by Jim North (COMPLETE!): "'Uh, like, Amy-Wan never told you what happened to your father and junk, right?'"
- Unnamed story (Iron Chef: Breakfast at Tiffany's), by Jim North (COMPLETE!): "Tom and Daria sat at the table, picking listlessly at the food they had ordered. Finally, unable to take the tension after Daria's last statement anymore, Tom finally spoke up."
- Unnamed story (Iron Chef: Friendship is Magic Fics), by Jim North (COMPLETE!): "'Okay, kitten,' Quinn said as she lowered the polarized goggles over her eyes, 'are we ready to light this candle?'"
- Unnamed story (Iron Chef - Jodie the Inventor), by Chris Tucker: "'Inside the wire', as the Army said, at MAE, it was different. She was Josephine Delores Landon, M.A, B.A. She was the director and head researcher of the BioChem Labs. She had half a dozen patent applications pending in her name alone. Her people were doing breakthrough research on antibiotics and anti-malarial drugs. Her department was well on its way to saving the 'thousand lives' that Master Sergeant DeMartino spoke of all those months ago, her very first day at MAE."
- Unnamed story (Iron Chef: The Bet), by Jim North (COMPLETE!): "'Well, you'll be very unhappy to know that I picked out the absolute worst outfit ever for you to wear,' Quinn continued, acting as if she were oblivious to her sister's discomfort. 'One that no one should ever be seen wearing. One that, like seriously, shouldn't even exist.'"
- Unnamed story (Iron Chef: The Bet), by psychotol (COMPLETE!): "'What did Daria do this time?' groaned Helen. 'Quinn,' said Angela. 'Quinn? I thought her grades were up last month,' said Helen. 'This isn't about her grades, this is about her attitude.'"
- Unnamed story (Iron Chef: Three Ninjas), by Jim North (COMPLETE!): "Daria's reply was cut off by the sudden appearance of a throwing star in the wall next to her head. Without missing a beat, she popped the star from its new perch and flung it straight back the way it came. The ninja standing in the shadows between the lockers artfully snatched the star out of the air even as he was moving forward and to the side, trying to flank the two high school students."
- Unnamed story (Scenes That Should Be: Breakfast of Zombie Champions), by Ranger Thorne (COMPLETE!): "Mike looked at the shadow standing on a pile of crates. With the moon behind them, only someone familiar with the deepest nightmares of the criminals of Gotham City would know it was a woman. But not just any woman. 'The Batwoman,' Mike said into the radio just as the figure seemed to spread her wings and fly toward him."

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