Wonder if there is a way to work Daria Chocolate bedding and shoes into this post, too. Oh, guess I did.
Poking around with Google, trying to find a connection between September 13th and Daria, produced one oddball result, that being a fanfic called "What Is Memory?" I cannot figure out what is going on in it, but maybe you can. Pretty bizarre alternate universe there.
In animation history, Don Bluth has a birthday today. His Titan A.E. was crossed over with Daria in a cool fanfic by Greystar.
Wanna help DariaWiki? Got a few minutes to spare? Click here and see if you can link these dead-end pages to something else in the 'Wiki. If nothing else exists, maybe add an External Links section to fanfic writers' works online, or create a page about something related to the dead-end page. Just something fun to do. I've been adding artwork for a while.
Finally, I have begun creating the new list of 2009 Daria Fanfiction, but it will not be ready until late today at best. Stay tooned.
I thought for sure someone would have commented on the chocolate Daria bar, but I guess no one likes chocolate. Oh, well...
Hey, give them a chance to wake up and get home from morning services at the First Church of Chocolate. :)
Hey, the Bible said it best. From The Book of Confectioners, Chapter I, Verse 1: 'And God created chocolate. And it was GOOD.'
I would not dare to bite off such chocolate...
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: if you aren't going to actually give me any chocolate, then don't tease me with it. :p
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