It's also the birthday of a piano-pounding star of rock-n-roll's early years, Jerry Lee Lewis, famed for one song in particular (turn up your speakers).
As you see at right, today also marks the start of Michaelmas, and who better than Saint Mack to represent that. Do it to it.
There's more! This is also the 462st anniversary of the birth of Miguel de Cervantes, who wrote Don Quixote. A surprising number of Daria fanfics reference this character, so Cervantes (often credited with the invention of the modern novel) is a solid part of Daria fandom's background.
Do you use ballpoint pens? You should know that today is the anniversary of the birth of the guy who invented them, László József Bíró. Argentina celebrates this event as Inventor's Day.
If you like to read banned books (and who doesn't?), this week is Banned Books Week, and you should go out and get another banned book to read before they are REALLY banned and gone. Srsly.

Wow, that was a lot to go over. Have some more caffeine and stay tooned.
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