An interesting look at Daria appears on a blog by the person who we in this fandom know as Medea42. Excellent essay, worth reading.
Lorenzo Sauchelli is considering some changes at Dariaverse.com. Read and see what's in store.
SPECIAL ALERT! Well, if you're really into Daria, I guess. While trying to locate an old image of Daria, I stumbled across an enormous index of images and other things for a long-extinct Daria fansite belonging to Wildgoose. He wrote a lot of fanfic, and he also obsessively copied images from very old versions of MTV's Daria site, including stuff I've never seen before (like the line-art sketch of Halloween and a book you haven't yet read). I am copying off images as fast as I can. Dig in if you're interested!
And now the fanfic.
- John Lane 42: Legally Halloween, by Richard Lobinske (COMPLETE!): "Let's go," Helen said, rounding up her family. "What's the hurry?" Jake asked. "Half the partners are drunk and sometimes it's best not to see them at their worst," she explained. "That way they don't have to worry about if you saw something that can be used against them later." (FF.net)
'Dig in if you're interested!'
Diggin' in... :)
The Head played trombone in the LHS marching band! I can't hold it in any longer! AWESOME!!!
Maybe it's just me but this sketch of Quinn I found - http://web.archive.org/web/20021130043811/wildgoose81.net/flip15.gif - looks like one of her I might have drawn, with the hair and general construction *coughboobscoughcough*
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