Disneyland opened on this day in 1955, which is why Jane is dressed as Snow White on the left there. Let's just hope she doesn't actually try to do any singing, or else those cute little woodland creatures might turn feral. There aren't any explicit references to Disneyland in canon that I could find, but there are several nods to Disney in general in various episodes:
In "Speedtrapped," upon learning that Mystik Spiral's world tour consists of a gig 100 miles away, Daria replies, "It's a small world after all." If you didn't already know, that's from one of the rides at Disneyland...and good luck getting that song out of your head any time soon.
In "Road Worrier," the group's road trip game runs "I'm going to the picnic, and I'm bringing asbestos insulation, brine shrimp, the cryogenically frozen head of Walt Disney...and a dromedary."
"Sappy Anniversary" finds Daria comparing herself to the donkeys in
Pinocchio and is advised by Jane to "Always let your conscience be your--" before Daria tells her to shut up.
Even the special "Look Back In Annoyance" gets in on the act with Jane's comment, "Hey, we're gonna be out of work soon. I'm trying to get a job with Disney." I'd
love to see what Jane's Disney animation work would look like.
Fanfic Update!- 86 Bottles of Beer: I Spy, with My Extra Eye, by Kristen Bealer (part 2): "'I guess we should start gathering information.' 'Okay. I'll head over to the salon and see if they know anything about Dr. Shar.' 'I'm gonna check out the lingerie section!' 'Kevin!'"
- Can I Have This Dance?, by LadieT (COMPLETE!): "Jane stared at the BFAC announcement board. Her favorite holiday was approaching and the poster for the annual Halloween Costume Ball was staring at her in the face. As she walked to her next class, Jane began to wonder if she could convince her still somewhat anti-social girlfriend to attend. Jane decided to take a shot and after class and a quick check of her slush fund, Jane bought two tickets. On the ride home, she stared at the freshly purchased pieces of paper and smiled."
- Daria is Raven's Apprentice, by project pegasus: "Raven: Starfire, please. We solve crimes. Sometimes, you have to walk on the darkside and wrestle with ideas you never thought you'd countenance, if only to dismiss them. Starfire: It sounds ... dangerous."
- Dark Future: Road Worrier, by Charles RB (part 1): "Highland High had forgot to renew its protection with the Black Hats and the Todd’s Boys, so the school bus was assaulted and torched (along with the driver) partway through the journey. Luckily, the teenagers had had enough money on them to buy their way safely through the remaining mile; luckier still, this meant Daria missed Gym class. (She hoped the school would pay up soon, if she had to walk home she’d miss Buffy And Da Slayerz)"
- God Save the Esteem 32: Nuts to Work, by Charles RB (part 2): "'You’ve got a job?' Helen beamed. 'That’s wonderful, Quinn! Once you have your own independent income stream, you can have greater quantities of and more elaborate piercings and leather – and none of The Mans can stop you when it’s your money!' 'The tax Man,' said Daria. 'Daria, don’t upset your sister.'"
- Green Dragon Rising, by Grifter74: "Daria struggled against Goldar's iron grip to no avail, as she was dragged through a palace on the moon, of all things. They were followed by Squatt and Baboo, who held Jane between them still wrapped up in the net. The group eventually stopped in front of a balcony where Rita Repulsa stood. 'The humans you wanted, Your Majesty,' Goldar said as he made a sweeping bow." (New part)

- He Shall Be Mine (Scenes no Daria fanfic should have: Last Friday Night!), by thatLONERchick (COMPLETE!): "'Daria, this isn't some airhead jock or stuck-up preppie we're talking about, here,' Jane lectured in a stern voice. 'This is Bob--as in THE Bob, as in Robert Freakin' Carter. Every alternative, goth, punk, and any other genus of sub-culture chick in Lawndale High has been after him since freshman year--but he wants you.'"
- Homeless Daria Episode 3: A College Try Gives Me Blisters, by RX-87 (part 12): "'We're dangerous men whose very existence disrupts the fabric of the fragile, weak, hypocritical little society that ordinary people build around themselves.' He said calmly, waxing philosophical. He liked to think of himself as more than just a glorified street hustler who'd managed to make bank, whether it was true or not. 'It's like we're the children of different gods than the rest of this world, thrust into it just so they can sit back and enjoy the chaos we bring to all the little people's lives.' He laughed grimly again. 'Like some damn kid throwing a couple of angelfish into a tank of bettas just to watch them eat their fill.'"
- Just Doing My Job (Iron Chef - A competent Dr. Manson), by Hyrin (part 2): "'Quinn, how are you doing in the Self-Esteem Class?' 'Fan-freaking-tastic,' Quinn muttered as she picked at her lasagna. 'Quinn?' 'What makes them think I have low self-esteem, anyway?' 'Should we list examples alphabetically, or chronologically?' Daria asked as she took a large bite."
- Lawndale and Sandi Griffin’s Genie (Chapter 5), by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (part 1): "As she exited the school building, Quinn saw Sandi running after Elias down the street. ‘That’s not good,’ she thought. She knew that Elias had the emerald (having seen him with it when she got to class). She looked back, but Stacy, Tiffany, Daria, Jane or anyone else involved in the events earlier in the day were not around. 'I guess it’s up to me,' she said with a nervous laugh. She then followed after Sandi."
- Not So Different 67: Outlook: Sonny With A Few Clouds, by J-D (COMPLETE!): "Tom explained that nobody got in from the wait-list as if it were a piece of information Sonny might not already have. Sonny asked him to stop being so diplomatic. Tom apologised for blurting and explained he’d been shocked as if that were a piece of information Sonny might not already have. ‘I did get accepted to Raft’, Sonny said, failing to change the subject."
- Rude Awakening Ep. 7: Don't Sign Me Up!, by DIsaac (parts 3 - 5): "KEVIN: No, I might be the QB but a QB is only as good as his wide receiver. Daria you are MY wide receiver on this. Daria, Can you help make this catch into the end zone? DARIA: Kevin? KEVIN: Yea, Daria. DARIA: I can't believe you actually used a football analogy and that I totally got it." (Part 4) (Part 5)
- Screams in the Night (The Night Series: Night 8), by thatLONERchick (COMPLETE!): "I learned as much about her as I could. I cut class to watch her at lunch, and listened to her conversations to try and collect as much of her as I could. Then, I tried again. She still wouldn't let me help her. So I decided not to give her a choice."

- Screams of Silence, by Jim North (COMPLETE!): "Just looking at her makes me feel tired. Where I had imagined before that I could feel the weight of all my gear pressing down on me, now I really can. An entire world's worth of weariness settles around my head, my shoulders, pulling my limbs down as sleep threatens to overtake me. How long have I been at this? Hours? Days? Years? I try to remember having done anything other than trudge from one horror to another. It's so very very hard all of a sudden, and seeing Quinn looking as if she's just stepped out of the salon isn't helping matters any." (Ending) (Alternate Ending 1) (Alternate Ending 2) (Alternate Ending 3) (Alternate Ending 4)
- Shady Cooking, by Erin M. (COMPLETE!): "The kitchen light snapped on and Daria whirled from the stove to find Jake standing in the doorway, looking surprised. 'Daria? What's that smell?' 'Shit,' Daria muttered under her breath. 'Busted.'"
- Unnamed story (Iron Chef - Jodie the Inventor), by Chris Tucker (part 9): "The younger Morgendorffer sister half sat, half fell into her seat. The strain of several round trips to England in these past few months showed on her face. It fell to Quinn to be the liaison between Morgendorffer Advanced Engineering, the War Department, the U.S. military and civilian scientific establishment, as well as M.A.E. and the United Kingdom Ministry of Defence and the U.K. military and civilian scientific establishment. Both her astounding intelligence and her natural charm proved equally useful on both sides of the Atlantic."

- Unnamed story (Iron Chef: Three Ninjas), by Roentgen (COMPLETE!): "Daria and Quinn were sitting at the dinner table, when suddenly the windows shattered as three ninjas, weapons at the ready, burst into the kitchen."
- Unnamed story (Scenes no Daria fanfic should have: Last Friday Night!), by Smijey (COMPLETE!): "Daria reached one hand under her pillow to caress the two items nestled beneath it for what seemed like the hundredth time. She had bought them a few days prior, in reaction to receiving her Bromwell 'wait-list' letter. The letter made out that the number of wait-listed applicants was rather long, and the basic gist was that Daria shouldn't keep her hopes up."
- The Way of the Sword and the Parchment (Iron Chef: Three Ninjas), by JPAGC (COMPLETE!): "'Fantastic. Such a fine sword! You know, I’ve been practicing swordsmanship for several years now, but it really difficult when you only have some centuries old literature as a guide and completely lack an adversary and dojo and, principally, a good teacher.' He dropped his voice to an almost whisper. 'But you know what I really would like? To be able to forge my own sword.' He smiled. 'That’s why I asked you if you had made it...'"